Undeniable Feelings to be told…
A blog to express my true feelings…

a wish i longed to come true

Hey everyone, im back bloggin when i supposed to concentrate on other things…lol 🙂 Yesterday night marks the day when my wish for this year came true!!! YAY!!! My parents amongst their busy schedule spent time with me at Singapore River Festival 2008, i am really, REALLY touched, it had been ages when my parents actually initiated to go out to celebrate a festive occasion. If i am not wrong, the last time they celebrated anything with me was my 6 years old birthday party…10 years already. The taste of family gathering and family love had been tasted once again…this would be the day i will never forget in my life.

I have always been jealous when i see families together celebrating when i am always at a lonely corner, so COLD and lonely… God finally answered my prayers, after 10 years finally my wish came true.

I made it clear to my parents again, that i would not need them to grant me luxurious stuff, excessive cash, or anything. I want to live like everyone else, be a NORMAL person, no maid, no pampering, nothing. They agreed…this would be another wish that came true.

This year, 2 out of 3 wishes of mine came true, maybe god pities me and decided to grant my wishes…i really dunno…but i really wish that my 3rd and most important wish would come true…not that im greedy, but, i really wish that it will happen…

Below are some pictures on my visit to Singapore River Festival 2008…enjoy!!! 🙂

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